The Coalition Government has established a new $1.2 billion Regional Infrastructure Fund (RIF) to help invest in and improve New Zealand’s regional infrastructure.
The aim of the fund is to boost regional infrastructure projects, outside of the main metropolitan areas. The RIF will encourage the building of new infrastructure and will improve existing structures to benefit regional businesses, organisations and communities.
Funding will be provided through a mix of loan and equity investments, but be aware that grants will only available only in very limited cases.
What are the eligibility criteria for the RIF?
If you’re interested in applying for funding from the RIF, it’s important to first understand the eligibility criteria and the core focus on provincial, regional growth.
To be eligible, your organisation must:
Be a New Zealand-based legal entity, usually a business, partnership, trust, council and iwi. However, this doesn’t stop you partnering with offshore parties.
Be able to deliver on a project asset based in one of the provincial regions of New Zealand. Specifically excluded are: Auckland (all elements of the Auckland Unitary Authority), Wellington (Wellington City, Lower Hutt City, Upper Hutt City, and Porirua City) and Christchurch City.
Be focused on delivering a ‘hard infrastructure’ asset or completing physical works that protect existing Crown/local infrastructure or assets developed through the RIF.
Contribute to improving regional resilience and/or productivity.
Fit at least one of the RIF funding component definitions (resilience or enabling infrastructure).
Show an ability to deliver, including an implementation plan appropriate to the size, scale and nature of the project, robust project governance/decision-making systems and risk identification and management.
Have a co-investment element (from a private sector investor, iwi or other non-government entity) where relevant.
Require government financial support to progress or to attract private sector investment (either within the region or elsewhere).
Show alignment to regional development priorities.
Talk to us about applying for the RIF
Does your organisation meet the eligibility criteria? And do you have the capability to deliver a regional infrastructure project within the wider remit of the RIF?
If so, we can help you pull together your application for the RIF and can assist with the strategic planning, governance and financial planning of the project.